About Katz Media Group
One-Stop Media Partner for
Radio and Television Advertising

Reach with relevance.
As the nation's largest media representation firm, Katz Media Group delivers local relevance at scale. Whether you want one idea that sounds local in a hundred different markets or a hundred unique ideas, we have your solution.
Over our long history, the Katz name has been synonymous with leadership in the media industry. Founded in 1888, Katz was the nation's first media representation firm. Today, Katz Media Group is comprised of four divisions: Katz Radio Group, Katz Television Group, Katz Digital and Katz Digital Video. Collectively, the company represents both the on-air and online assets of more than 3,500 radio stations and 400 television stations, making Katz Media Group the largest media representation company in America.
In addition to our deeply rooted media expertise, our unique regional sales structure is key to driving our clients’ success. Katz Media Group is based in New York City, with 15 regional offices across the country, providing advertisers and agencies with local expertise and insights across the nation.